Thursday, February 17, 2011

Watching this film i got through a heap of emotions and senses. It's a really good moovie. A good moovie always makes us learn something related to us and this film teaches us that racial discrimination is a problem which surely can be solved if someone ,or better-more people, are trying to erase it. It's a very actual moovie where the teacher emphasize all the compassionate and sympathizer people in the world,which are not spiting on the problems that are surrounding them, but are trying to help,to act,to fight! A strong women with a clear purpouse-to inspire these children to learn tolerance,empathy and all the beauties in this dangerous short life.This moovie also teaches us that it doesn't mater what's your skin-colour,what is your nationality and what band are following...we are all equal-despite all these things and concepts.Together we can build this world,our own world-there is no place for discrimination,missunderstanding and conflicts...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Midway through Freedom Writers.

Watching this film has awakened me from a state of sadness graders.And that issues which had to pass them every day.Death of parents, or taking custody to cause excruciating pain even at school.Although I have not seen the movie to the end I can already imagine the end of this film, and the whole class being happy. They look a bit of a pain to have held until now in the soul and the teacher gives them a chance at new life. I was a bit stressed by things that happen in this school, the problems that students have to confront.But nevertheless I want to watch the movie to the end and I expect a happy ending!


My thoughts on discrimination.

It's difficult to draw conclusion from those seen,but it clear that it's about serious conflict "discrimination' this film. Between us ,teenagers are created many misunderstandings, but discrimination is more grave, dicrimination appear becouse we are different ,we have different things opinion ,different style of life and different colour.Maybe ,today we are spoiled and we select friends and belive that all thing it's easy to made and understand.Situation in film is complicated, misunderstandings between classmates and atitudes for teacher are bad events but true.If i learn in such class i would not survive all problems and I become maybe a dark and close person.But to solve conflicts it's necessary to understand each class and including teacher and give you friendship indifferent of colour .Essential and important is to become a good friend , becouse friendship is unique solution to live without problems .This is my opinion.


Thoughts about racism.

We live in a very big world with a lot ofmisteries and interesting things that make our life full of surprises even inthat moments when we think that it is impossible to do these,but in this life are thesame problems.I think that a big problem is discrimination,I realized thisthing when I looked a very interestingfilm .I was very impressed about this film, because really it is very hard to be a person who fight with discrimination and who is not understood by many people.
Indeedit is very hard to be in such situation,but this is life sometimes withhappiness and sometimes with disappointment.We must be in every time optimisticand to live without remorse.


In the middle of watching Freedom Writers

I do not want in any case I find myself in such an uncertain situation. From my point of view, it is a very difficult situation. For sure I should do something to applain the situation if I were there. I should explain the pupils that she is a good teacher and it is difficult for her to work in such a way. To the pupils I should say that rasism is the worse thing in the world, that we are all people and might respect each other. Of course at the begining it will be very difficult to make them understand, but I should never pass by such problems. On the one hand and I understand these students, but on the other hand, they are rude to the new teacher. Thus, the teacher becomes confused. The film looks pretty interesting and I want to watch the end of course to draw conclusions useful for me in the future.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Once upon a time o_O

Once upon a time was a boy named Pette.He was in love,and he has a girlfriend.Her name was Vicky.She loved Pette very much.But,one day he left the country and went to find a job.The girl was sad,she doesn't want Pette to go in a foreign country.The parting was not so easy.She gave Pette the last kiss with tears.ANd many years have past by the boy left his country.The girl forgot the love that binds their love. She get married with another boy.When he came home ,was astonished when he saw her ex-girlfriend kissing with his best friend.He loved her very much ,,,but this was the last day when he saw her ,because he choose to go far-away from her,to forgot her,how she forgot about him ,when he was in a foreign country !(
FinisH .

Our test.

1) Please study our 20 vocabulary words:

To wander
To glance

2) Be ready to give an example of a miscommunication--and what happened as a result. (i.e. John thought we were going to meet at 7:00, I thought we were going to meet at 5:00, therefore we missed each other and did not have coffee together)

3) Be ready to create types of questions. I will give you an answer and you will have to create a question, and identify which type of question it is. (i.e. It is seven o'clock. What time is it? -- question word question) There could be several different answers here, so as long as it makes sense, and you can identify the type of question, you will get FULL POINTS.

4) What are the steps to making a rubric? AND how can rubrics help you? Why should we use them (2-5 sentences).

5) ESSAY: "Man govern nothing with more difficulty then their tongues, and can moderate their desires more than their words" What does this quotation mean? You must site an example from YOUR LIFE--be specific--in order to get FULL POINTS. (i.e. One time a teacher was very unfair, so I yelled at her that she was an idiot! -- then further explanation of how this example connects).

If you have questions, please call me :)

I am excited for this test to be over and bowling on Saturday! Happy studying.

Ms. Mandy

The little girl and the squirrel.

Once upon a time there lived a little girl. Her name was Ruxy and she was very cute and charming. Ruxy lived with her mother in a small house near the forest. In autumn the forest was like a fairy-tale world, everything around looked like gold. All the animals which lived in the forest enjoyed running and playing on the soft carpet of leaves. One day the little girl went for a walk. It was a sunny autumn day, the weather was warm, and no wind was blowing. The forest was quiet and still as if it was bewitched by a good fairy.

The little girl was very happy, she jumped and played with flowers and picked up a lot of mushrooms. Suddenly she saw a little brown squirrel in the grass, it was very scared and it was trembling with fear. The tiny squirrel was wounded, its paw was bleeding. Ruxy decided to take the poor animal home and take care of it. But it was already getting dark, the forest was no more golden and quiet. It was black and full of strange sounds. No more beautiful flowers and joyful insects, only butterflies and screaming owls. The little girl was no more so gay and brave. What a shame! - thought the small girl. She decided to encourage herself for the sake and the safety of the poor squirrel. Soon the moon came out and the world was bright and shining again. The squirrel crouched in the Ruxy’s hands , it felt safe and protected.

The little girl jumped up and began to run as fast as possible. Faster and faster she went until she reached her house. Her mother was very worried and anxious, but she was very glad to see her daughter safe at home. They gave to eat to the squirrel and embraced each other with joy. Ruxy felt tired and sleepy, so she closed her eyes and got asleep.


A story about love.

Once upon a time there was a young boy.He get in love with a pretty and very kind girl.They love each other very much.They decided to marry.But,unfortunately,the boy’s mother was against this marriage,because the girl was from another village and too poor for him.The boy tried to explain his feelings for this girl to his mother,but she didn’t get out from her possition.So they went on different roads.He married another girl from his village.The girl also made her life.Unfortunatelly, his marriage was not happy.Soon he get ill and his wife left him alone.

Once when he made a treatment in the hospital that nice and pretty girl visited him.There was his mother in the hospital.She asked her son and that girl to forgive her mistake,but it was too late.Mother was sorry that she didn’t believe in their future and destroyed their love many years ago.

Mothers,believe in love,and let your children be happy!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


to all of those who commented!  Nice job on doing your homework!  I am getting so excited to go bowling on Saturday!  :)

See you in class tomorrow (actually, it's 12:17, so today!)

Ms. Mandy

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Once upon a time" story)

Once upon a time there was a star on the midnight sky.She was so lonely and shined so cold...But after a while she started to spread a lot of light:droplets of gloss.And nobody could understand why she was so glowing,even her family...even her friends.Every night she took her place on the sky and her pink light was sparkling on the Earth. She knew the reason of her changes,but she couldn't explain to anyone.The poets started to write the most beautiful poems about her,the stargazers started to search for an explanation of this unbelievable phenomenon...simple people just didn't see the change,they were wrapped up in their own deals,and had no time to look to the sky.
Alone,in her heaven,she was the happiest star in the whole universe.Do you know why?-nobody knew...But one day,the stargazesr and the poets didn't find the shining star in the moonlit sky.It looked so dim and mat without her gloss...
The only one who knew why the star has dissapeared was that man for whoom she was shining on.He was the one who was gazing her the entire night,who was reading to her poetry,who was speaking about all the stupid things on the Earth...He was the only one who knew how to listen to her,how to make her smile,and finnaly-how to make her shine again...One day,he just haven't come to the window as always.This was that fatal day when the star finnished her road.She didn't explode because of heartburn...she didn't lose her light because of jealousy.She stoped her way to happiness because the supreme happiness was reached.She stopped to shine because she didn't want to bind him to her and screw up his life.She stoped to shine because she loved him...