Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My thoughts on discrimination.

It's difficult to draw conclusion from those seen,but it clear that it's about serious conflict "discrimination' this film. Between us ,teenagers are created many misunderstandings, but discrimination is more grave, dicrimination appear becouse we are different ,we have different things opinion ,different style of life and different colour.Maybe ,today we are spoiled and we select friends and belive that all thing it's easy to made and understand.Situation in film is complicated, misunderstandings between classmates and atitudes for teacher are bad events but true.If i learn in such class i would not survive all problems and I become maybe a dark and close person.But to solve conflicts it's necessary to understand each class and including teacher and give you friendship indifferent of colour .Essential and important is to become a good friend , becouse friendship is unique solution to live without problems .This is my opinion.


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