Thursday, February 3, 2011

The little girl and the squirrel.

Once upon a time there lived a little girl. Her name was Ruxy and she was very cute and charming. Ruxy lived with her mother in a small house near the forest. In autumn the forest was like a fairy-tale world, everything around looked like gold. All the animals which lived in the forest enjoyed running and playing on the soft carpet of leaves. One day the little girl went for a walk. It was a sunny autumn day, the weather was warm, and no wind was blowing. The forest was quiet and still as if it was bewitched by a good fairy.

The little girl was very happy, she jumped and played with flowers and picked up a lot of mushrooms. Suddenly she saw a little brown squirrel in the grass, it was very scared and it was trembling with fear. The tiny squirrel was wounded, its paw was bleeding. Ruxy decided to take the poor animal home and take care of it. But it was already getting dark, the forest was no more golden and quiet. It was black and full of strange sounds. No more beautiful flowers and joyful insects, only butterflies and screaming owls. The little girl was no more so gay and brave. What a shame! - thought the small girl. She decided to encourage herself for the sake and the safety of the poor squirrel. Soon the moon came out and the world was bright and shining again. The squirrel crouched in the Ruxy’s hands , it felt safe and protected.

The little girl jumped up and began to run as fast as possible. Faster and faster she went until she reached her house. Her mother was very worried and anxious, but she was very glad to see her daughter safe at home. They gave to eat to the squirrel and embraced each other with joy. Ruxy felt tired and sleepy, so she closed her eyes and got asleep.



  1. This is a very interesting tale with great description. I can see a picture of the forest in my mind. Great writing.

